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ViiA announces that the company will soon be bringing to market FactoryFlow, the first commercial quality-augmentation platform for manufacturers. Why put up with defects and delivering non-conforming products to customers when the power of best-of-breed AI data awareness technology can automatically bring the results to you? Quality Assurance is great at finding defects but not so great at predicting the future.

NEXUS’s FactoryFlow is a cloud-based analytics platform that runs anomaly detection based on physical examination and discovery of defective products coupled with AI pattern recognitions from a manufacturer’s data ecosystem. ViiA’s goal is to reduce and contain defects, reduce line stoppages, provide prediction to possible failures, and accelerate root cause analysis. It was developed as part of ViiA’s alliance with NEXUS which was founded by experts who had quality control in manufacturing as their passion and life’s work.

Built on a single database architecture deployable to any cloud, ViiA’s intelligent FactoryFlow dashboard delivers results to clients in near-real time while scaling seamlessly. NEXUS’s data awareness, alleviates the burden of data retrieval so that clients don’t have to search across all of their disparate data sources when triaging a non-conforming event. To make things even more seamless, engineers can actually launch their playbook for root cause analysis directly from FactoryFlow’s dashboard window.

FactoryFlow lets manufacturers instantly see the full story about a defect. Imagine a quality engineer that knows everything about every individual part ever produced in your plant, every material, every shift, every supplier, every detail they have memorized. Even better, a quality professional working for you who has every part number memorized, knows data from your suppliers, can see and recognize obscure patterns, decode data in any form, and can instantly translate 109 languages. All without leaving his FactoryFlow dashboard.

FactoryFlow is an overlay at the screen level. Once our team alerts to a non-conforming event, our software immediately searches for all related data it knows something about by using our FactoryVision technology.  It then overlays that data onto the dashboard.  Instantly, everything we know about that non-conformance is retrieved to the dashboard including AI and machine learning patterns and trends. This essentially gives the team a collective memory for two key value propositions: First, better decisions because they have that data awareness.  And second, NEXUS empowers data, and unlocks its real value to cut defect rates, improve manufacturing throughput, reduce rework during assembly and improve and optimize products and processes.

NEXUS’s coupled with FactoryFlow have a mission to empower manufacturers with the capabilities of an intelligent factory and to provide quality engineers with all the data they need, just when and where they need it. Some of the world’s largest automotive manufactures jumped on board as early users when NEXUS was in closed beta and now ViiA is expanding within this same market.

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